Here’s a complete algorithm of how to submit your code contribution
Fork the repository:
First, you need to make a fork of the DeepPavlov Dream repository by clicking on the “Fork” button in the top right corner of the repository page.
Clone the repository:
After forking the repository, clone it to your local machine using the git clone
Make changes:
Once you have the repository cloned to your local machine, you can make changes to the code or data.
Make sure to check your code styling (one may use flake8, black)
Commit your changes:
After making changes, commit them to your local repository using the git add
and git commit
Push changes to your fork:
Push your changes to your fork of the DeepPavlov Dream repository using the git push
Create a pull request:
Go to your fork of the DeepPavlov Dream repository on GitHub and click on the “New pull request” button. This will allow you to create a pull request for the changes you made.
Wait for review:
Wait for the repository maintainers to review your changes. We may ask for further changes or clarification before merging your changes into the main repository.
Merge your changes:
Once your changes have been approved, the repository maintainers will merge your changes into the main branch of DeepPavlov Dream repository.
Congratulations! You have successfully contributed to the DeepPavlov Dream repository. Thank you for your contribution!